3 Tips To Become Better At Animation


You might already be involved in the animation industry, and you could be hoping to perfect your craft. On the other hand, you could be someone who is still in the learning process but who dreams of being involved in the animation industry. Either way, you probably want to do everything that you can to become better at animation. If you are wondering how to improve, these three tips will help.

8 March 2019

Four Successful Strategies For Throwing A Last-Minute Party


Suppose your best friend unexpectedly eloped and you want to throw the happy couple a celebratory bash — but they're leaving for a new life in far-flung lands in a week. Or maybe the annual family reunion that takes place at the home of a nearby relative has been cancelled due to illness. Whatever the reason, throwing a last-minute party can sorely test anyone's hosting skills. Fortunately, there are ways that you can get through the experience unscathed and even have a good time.

9 August 2017

5 Considerations For Planning An Outdoor Party


When planning an outside party of any size, you'll have to make sure you're prepared. You can't treat your outside party like a house party, or a party inside of a venue. Because of that, you'll have to make sure you do everything with the outdoors in mind. 1. Is Your Venue Right for an Outside Party? Every space isn't good for an outdoor part. Even your own backyard may not represent an ideal spot to have a party of any size.

16 July 2017

Tips For Catching Up On And Collecting Classic TV Shows


If you are an avid TV fan looking to catch up on some classics, you've got plenty of options and plenty of ways to find this golden content. Today's programming is considered the golden age of television, but there have been numerous programs that paved the way for the legendary content being produced currently. As a TV buff looking to catch up on years and years of excellent television, read on and consider these tips.

26 January 2017